For the love of the sport. A place for DG enthusiasts to share their thoughts.

Posts tagged “Fred the Disc Golf Dog

Fred the Disc Golf Dog

Posted by randomtiz

Happy Hump Day! I know personally it has been awhile since my last post and a new post was due from me. I’ve been pretty tied up the past few months with my brother’s wedding, selling and buying a house, moving, and have been out of the country for over a week to the Dominican for my wife and I’s 1-year anniversary!

I was sent this video earlier today and it made me smile =). So I wanted to take a moment and share with you guys “Fred the Disc Golf Dog”. Cute story if I say so myself—especially if you’re a dog lover. This video was shot at Hornings Hideout DGC in Portland, Oregon by a cinematographer duo called Chibi Moku who travels the country in an RV and films their crazy adventures.

Meet disc golfer Jaslyn Cincotta and her loyal disc golfer companion, Fred. Fred, an energetic stray puppy that latched onto Jaslyn one day and the companionship soon followed.

“He came and sat at my feet and just looked me in the eyes with these cutest expression in the world. And I…realized in that moment that…that this dog had picked me. And I had a dog now.”

Fred loves tagging along with Jaslyn as she goes to play disc golf and even tracks your thrown disc! How awesome would that be to have a dog like Fred?! Imagine never losing a disc in the woods or to thick brush again because your dog follows your thrown disc and leads you to where it landed. He even knows the course!

Tell us what you think of the video and feel free to share if you like!


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